Lots of speculation and soul searching after this election, but I have some serious thoughts and the title of this article is a direct quotes from the mouth of president elect. Much like the “Russia, if you’re listening” statement he made, there is a conspiracy lurking here that I think is going to be eventually uncovered, especially when you look at the actions of the republican party following the 2020 election.
I every republican controlled state following 2020, a wave of laws under the guise of “voter integrity” swept over the country. Republicans claimed, WITH NO EVIDENCE, that there was massive fraud and they set about taking actions to shore up confidence in the election process. I say this happen in Texas where I had lived for 40 years and there was absolutely no basis for their claims and the actions they took. Much like when they took action to “protect women” by making getting abortions harder and then eliminating access in the state, their “integrity laws” had nothing to do with make the election process safer, but enshining their power base. They did it boldly and the AG Paxton even admitted that he blocked millions of votes in the democratic area that would have allowed President Biden to win the state in 2020. It is on record of him saying this on a radio broadcast. They cheated clearly and nothing was done.
When Trump came out to start his new campaign as early as he did, the claims that he did so to avoid prosecution had a lot of merit, but as in all things Trump, there is more. He knew the J6 actions had turned a lot of Americans against him. He knew the law was catching up to him. So what the hell is the catch? For a man that cheats at everything and takes NO CHANCES where things are not rigged in his favor, he had something up his sleeve. Donald learned long ago that he never would do something where he could lose and his loss in 2020 would not happen again.
The wave of voter integrity laws were covered under the cover of shoring up the process, but mostly they made it more difficult for specific demographics to votes. Things that were once consider sufficient voter ID were no longer accepted. Those voter ID cards that your elections offices issued became moot in favor of a state issued photo ID, I.E. Driver’s License specifically, which in essence targeted the metropolitan areas where people used public transportation mainly and did not drive. This eliminated many possible voters even though the state might provide a state issued ID, the access to where they could obtain these IDs were usually difficult for these people to access. The main common trait of these voters is they tend to vote democratic.
Then in these integrity laws came the reduction of polling sites and ways to vote. Again, WITH NO EVIDENCE, the republicans reduced polling sites in their states in mainly minority dominated precincts, while not reducing and in some instances increasing other sites. A targeted reduction of those democratic voters ability to cast their votes. They also, WITH NO EVIDENCE, eliminated mail in drop off boxes, by creating this idea that there was ballot harvesting and stuffing of the boxes, forget the fact that these ballots have numerous security measures to insure their validity. The major concerns the republicans used were unproven innuendo from conspiracy promoting republicans. Again, the ONLY complaints they had were areas where democrats held majorities.
Then you have the conservative judges supporting these new laws time after time when challenged. Courtrooms used to be places of sanctuary for truth and yet, the laws these lawmakers were writing and implementing on the basis of conspiracy where being allowed. Again, targeted toward ONLY democratic areas of voting.
So that comes back to the title of this article. Trump ran knowing he could not lose. In the course of his campaign, he alienated millions, he made countless proposals that make no sense and will costs trillions if implemented, he was convicted in state court for tax fraud, lost a defamation suit for millions, lost a suit in which in was concluded that he sexually assaulted a woman, his name appeared in the Epstein files, he added trillions to the debt, he created enormous chaos in his first administration, he undermined the foreign policy of the government, under indictment for espionage, under indictment for the J6 events and we are lead to believe that he got virtually the same number of votes AGAIN? What the heck?
I have all the votes I need, I don’t need any more votes. Mike Johnson and I have a little secret. The fix was in before election day. As one of my favorite TV characters says “There are no coincidences” and in this case, the facts can only lead me to this conclusion: he got almost the same number of votes as last time because he knew the fix was in. Can I prove it? No. But as in the Russia case, there is a lot of smoke, and sadly the evidence is what is burning. Trump hates email, he is notorious for destroying things and his circle uses burn phones and encrypted apps to keep secrets. Jared was in communication in the first election run on encrypted apps with foreign leaders and we know how that worked out for America and him.
So again, Trump wins, but not because he got the votes, but he won because the fix was in and he knew it.